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Picture of the Venue
Stalls Row A Seat 1 Stalls Row A Seat 5 Stalls Row A Seat 10 Stalls Row B Seat 5 Stalls Row B Seat 9 Balcony - Row A Seat 1 Balcony - Row A Seat 5 Balcony - Row A Seat 8 Balcony - Row B Seat 1 Balcony - Row B Seat 5 Balcony - Row B Seat 9 Balcony - Row C Seat 1 Balcony - Row C Seat 5 Balcony - Row C Seat 9 Balcony - Row E Seat 1 Balcony - Row E Seat 5 Balcony - Row E Seat 9 Balcony - Row F Seat 1 Balcony - Row F Seat 5 Balcony - Row F Seat 9 Balcony - Row F Seat 13 Balcony - Row G Seat 1 Balcony - Row G Seat 6 Balcony - Row G Seat 7 Balcony - Row G Seat 11 Balcony - Row H Seat 1 Balcony - Row H Seat 6 Balcony - Row H Seat 9 Balcony - Row H Seat 12 Balcony - Row J Seat 1 Balcony - Row J Seat 5 Balcony - Row J Seat 6 Balcony - Row J Seat 9 Left Box - Seat 1 Left Box - Seat 4 Right Box - Seat 1 Right Box - Seat 4 Stalls Row C Seat 1 Stalls Row C Seat 10 Stalls Row D Seat 1 Stalls Row D Seat 5 Stalls Row D Seat 9 Stalls Row F Seat 1 Stalls Row F Seat 10 Stalls Row G Seat 1 Stalls Row G Seat 5 Stalls Row G Seat 10 Stalls Row H Seat 1 Stalls Row H Seat 9 Stalls Row J Seat 1 Stalls Row J Seat 5 Stalls Row J Seat 10 Stalls Row K Seat 1 Stalls Row K Seat 9 Stalls Row L Seat 1 Stalls Row L Seat 5 Stalls Row L Seat 10 Stalls Row M Seat 1 Stalls Row M Seat 6 Stalls Row M Seat 9

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